Friday, September 4, 2015

Writerly Things...9/4/15

Photo by anatheme at morguefile.

Writerly Things…9/4/15
Traci Kenworth

I tend to procrastinate a lot so I read somewhere that Neil Gaiman and Stephen King are so prolific because they work on more than one project at a time. So, I’ve been trying that for the last couple of weeks and it’s really working. I have a YA Fantasy Horror novel I’m working on, a MG Fantasy novel, a short story, and my alter ego, Traci Krites, western romance novel. I find that when I’m having trouble with one story, I can switch to another while my muse goes to work on the other story, solving the problem. I’m not recommending this way to everyone but perhaps if you have focus problems, you could try another project or more, see if that works.
One of the reasons I do the writing links blogs is to learn more about my craft. I want to constantly aspire to do better, to be a better writer. As I pour over these blogs, they teach me so much and I figure maybe they could help some of you as well. The reading links help me discover books I want to put on my tbr list. I spend a lot of time reading books off my shelves, those I borrow from the library, and those I download. Stephen King said one of the major things to do as a writer is read, read, read. I’m finding that true as I discover new worlds, characters, and plots that inspire me. I’m getting to see a lot of what’s done out there as well and it helps me see the clichés that I want to avoid. I hope you can find some books from the list that challenge you as well. Until next time,
Traci Kenworth

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