Book Talk…1/1/15
Traci Kenworth
1. The Horse and His Boy C.S. Lewis 1954 Harper Collins. Shasta is a mere slave boy living in an abusive life until one night he overhears his father selling him to a Tarkhaan. The Tarkhaan’s horse who Shasta is startled to discover can talk tells him of a land called Narnia from which he was stolen as a foal. The two escape together. One night a lion chases them and another horse and rider together. The horse is another talking horse from Narnia as well and its rider is a Tarkheena escaping from an arranged marriage. They all team up to reach Narnai though Shasta and Aravis are quite suspicious of one another. Along the way they meet up with the Prince of Archenland who looks remarkably like Shasta and King Edmund and Queen Susan of Narnia.
This is another charming tale by Lewis. The characters are fun and interesting to get to know. Neither is quite as brave or as cowardly as they fear. Their journey is exciting and fraught with danger. I loved every minute of it!! These books are celebrated for a reason, I’m discovering. I hope if you haven’t read this book or if you have, that you’ll want to reread it (hey, there’s nothing like taking a journey with an old friend!). Highly recommended. 4. 5 stars.
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